Welcome to the homepage for the Rainbow Brite
Webring! This ring was created for the purpose of linking together sites that have to do
with our favorite toon from the 80's - Rainbow Brite!
Joining the Rainbow Brite Webring
If you have a site that has relevance to Rainbow Brite in some
way, please submit a request to be added. Just fill out this handy dandy form. This will
put your page in the queue. You will be sent email notifying you of your addition to the
queue. This email will contain all sorts of useful information, including the HTML
fragment you will need to insert into your page.
Important: After you have joined the queue and
added your code and graphics, please email me
to tell me your site is ready to be added to the ring! Failure to do this could result in
your site not being added promptly.
Once in the queue, you'll need to add the HTML code and logo
graphic to your page, proving to the world that you have an "official" Rainbow
Brite Webring Site. This will also link your page to the next site in the ring.
Again, the code will be contained in the email you receive. Just
copy and paste it into the HTML code of your website. Don't worry, it's not difficult...and
if you need help, or have any questions, comments, or ideas, just email me.