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Buddy is the athlete of the group. He lives and breathes physical fitness and excels in everything athletic. He is always trying to organize teams, programs, and activities. Buddy is into health food, too, and lectures on its virtues until he's blue in the face. The others gladly put up with him, though, because he's so lovable. Buddy is a peace-loving boy who works hard to ensure calm and orderliness among The Color Kids. Since blue is a peaceful color, it's Buddy's own. And the blue Sprites are the ones who help him color the skies and the oceans and all the other blue things that make up our world.
From Golden's "Who's Who" Coloring Book

Buddy Blue

Interesting Facts:

Buddy can play the tuba (episode Murky's Comet)


1997-2024 Katy Cartee Haile
Rainbow Brite is a registered 
trademark of Hallmark Licensing
